Die Förderungen der Krebsforschung durch den Fellinger-Verein erfolgten in Form der jährlichen Vergabe von Forschungsaufträgen, unter den darunterliegenden Links kommen Sie zu den bereits geförderten Projekten:

2024 wurden folgende Forschungsaufträge vergeben:

        Ass.Prof. Dagmar Gotthardt, PhD

        Department for Biological Sciences and Pathobiology

        Exploring the role of senescence in the malignant transformation of NK cells

        Ava Kleinwächter, MSc

        Max Perutz Labs

        Understanding the regulation of cGAS/STING signalling in glioblastoma

        Priv. Doz. Mag. Daniela Lötsch-Gojo, MSc, PhD

        Medical University of Vienna, Department of Neurosurgery

        PrEcLinICal modelling of high-risk ependymoma to develop maturAtioN therapies (PELICAN)

        Ines Neuwirth, MSc

        Medical University of Vienna, Center for Cancer Research

        The Role of Intratumor Heterogeneity in Colorectal Cancer

        Gregor Ortmayr, MD

        Medical University of Vienna, Center for Cancer Research

        Aberrant Transforming Growth Factor-β Signaling Regulates Metabolic Niches by Uridine

        Phosphorylase 1 in Hepatocellular Carcinoma

        Magdalena Siller, MSc

        Medical University of Vienna & CeMM, Institute for Hygiene & Applied Immunology,

        Andreas Bergthaler Research Group

        Exploring PHF11-Mediated Pathways in Regulating CD8+ T Cell Responsiveness to Cancer

        Charlotte Zajc, PhD

        University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Christian Doppler Laboratory for

        Next Generation CAR T Cells

        Unravelling factors that contribute to CAR T cell tonic signaling and exhaustion

        2003        2004        2005        2006        2007        2008        2009        2010        2012        2014

        2015        2016        2017        2018        2019        2020        2021        2022        2023        2024